Exhibitor Badges


Pre-registration Deadline: January 15th, 2025


Pre-registered exhibitor badges are to be picked up at the pre-registered line. Your confirmation barcode and a photo I.D. will be required to receive your badge. NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you do not pre-register by the deadline date, you will need to bring this form to the On-Site Registration counter. All personnel registering on-site will be required to present proof of employment (business card, pay stub, etc.) and a photo I.D. All onsite registrations, including changes or additions on pre-registrations will incur a $35 per badge fee.  For last-minute hires, see Exhibitor Information for details.

There is a limit of 4 badges per booth allotted.  Replacement badges will be issued at a rate of $50.00 per badge. This includes lost, stolen, forgotten, etc. 

        The following rules apply to all personnel that will be working in the 2024 GJX show. A violation of these rules could result in my Exhibitor License not being renewed. 

1. The person(s) listed on the Exhibitor Badge form are employees of the below-mentioned company and do not represent any other company. Badges are to be worn at all times
while inside the GJX show.

 2.  I will comply with Par. 13 of the Terms & Conditions listed on the back of the Exhibitor License Agreement which states, “Exhibitor shall not assign, or otherwise permit, any person to occupy Exhibitor’s booth, or any part thereof, or use the booth for exhibition of anything but the Exhibitor’s Products and Services.”  This includes business cards, literature, etc. for any other company, other than the Exhibiting Company.

 3.  Exhibitor badges will not be given or loaned to anyone under any circumstance. I understand that if I or any of my personnel is caught doing so, my booth will be shut down for the remainder of the show.  All booth personnel will be able to provide proper identification matching name on badge at any time during the show.

 4.  I have informed each of the people listed on the Exhibitor Badge Form of the above conditions and they have agreed to comply.

Pre-Registration is now closed. Please come up to the On-Site registration counter to register and pay for your badges.